EP 56: 10 Tips for Feeling Less Like Shit

- Speak kindly to yourself. Simple, but not easy, I know. Talk to yourself like you would talk to your BFF.
- Stop comparing yourself to everyone else. We’re all on Team Human.
- Be honest about what you need. Give yourself what you need versus what you want. Care over comfort.
- Be part of something bigger than yourself - find your community. I would love to have you be part of my community, so come join us in the Facebook Group.
- Sleep - gotta get our zzzzzzzs.
- Move your body. Sitting is the new smoking or so it’s been said.
- Make quiet time a part of your day. I am still loving the Headspace app. I use it for meditation and sleep stories.
- Eat those fruits and vegetables. I’ve been prepping them by cutting and putting into glass jars in the fridge. They look pretty, are already to eat and last longer in the glass. Hot tip: frozen cauliflower in smoothies in the bomb.
- Get some alone time. I will be taking my weekly vacation to the Isolation Pod this weekend. Highly recommend!
- Turn off the TV and read a good book - I’ve got lots of recommendations - you can find them in my Neverending Book List episode and all my guests share their favorites in the interviews.
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