EP 55: 10 Tips for Working at Home, Especially with Kids

This week in the 100% Guilt-Free Facebook Group  we talked about what is wrong with your life, what’s getting in the way of fixing what’s wrong, what’s going right in your life and what’s underneath the things getting in your way. I hope you’ll join me there. On this week’s podcast I am sharing... TEN TIPS FOR WORKING AT HOME (ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE SCHOOL-AGED KIDS)

  1. Make a schedule. The life-changing block schedule explained!
  2. Make weekends feel different.
  3. Up your productivity. Make a top three to do list. Bonus - use the Pomodoro.
  4. Create a workspace.
  5. Get dressed.
  6. Commit to an accountability partner.
  7. Self care first
  8. Gratitude practice.
  9. Eat the frog first.
  10. Create a closing ritual.


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