Live group coaching, live workshops & community
CARE Club with Tami Hackbarth
CARE Club is a group coaching program for women who have a million things to do and they want to be better parents, partners, professionals and maybe take a nap because they are freaking exhausted.
Enroll Now

You CAN have time for real self-care, closer friendships, and time for the activities that light you up (even if the world feels like it is falling apart.)
You are exhausted, overwhelmed, full of rage, afraid for the future, not sure what to do, want to cry, want to light it all on fire, none of your pants fit anymore, you are lonely and tired of being the only adult doing anything around the house.
On top of all that your doctor keeps telling you you have to reduce your stress, get better sleep and exercise. But who has the time or the energy? Even if you wanted to listen to the doctor's orders, perimenopause has other ideas. Weight gain, hot flashes, acne and insomnia? It’s a whole THING.
You can’t just ignore the dirty dishes, the insomnia, the unwashed towels, the stack of mail, the state of the world or the cat barf behind the couch. Someone has do get this sh*t done and it always falls to you.
You love your people. You’re pretty sure they’re better than some of the folks you know. But seriously, why do they expect you to make them a to-do list and then remind them what is on it? Why can’t they figure out school lunches or kid laundry or bedtime routines or what their mom wants for her birthday? You did.
Why doesn’t anyone in your house notice these things and just freaking do them?
What if your dreams really did come true…
Imagine having time to do meaningful self-care , seeing your friends and pursuing your hobbies.
Imagine if someone else was in charge of the morning hustle out the door while you drank your coffee while it was still hot and went for a walk before work.
Imagine if someone else fed you - breakfasts and lunches done with zero effort on your part.
You save all that decision making brain power for other important stuff in your life.
Imagine if someone else meal-planned, grocery shopped and cooked dinner. The evening rush would feel so much more relaxed. Maybe you would have time for a workout class or a board game.
Imagine if someone else handled all the laundry from the floor to the drawer all before uniforms are needed for game day. No more searching for clean soccer shorts on your way to a tournament.
Imagine if someone else took care of school break child care - researching camps, enrollment, payment, filling out the forms, and transportation. Kids are occupied with something other than screen time while you try to work.
Imagine if someone else made the holiday magic happen - from holiday cards, to gift shopping, wrapping and Elf on the Shelf. Enjoying the holiday season with coziness and connection sounds like a great way to end the year.

⇢ CARE Club was created for busy women just like you. We’d love to welcome you into our community! â‡
I’m Tami and I am here to help you have time for friends, fun and taking really good care of yourself.
I am a Type-A, overachiever, hell bent on crushing my goals and getting it all done (perfectly) all by myself. I never met a to-do list that I didn’t crush. A decade long career in politics - check. A decade long career killing it as a public school teacher - check.

Reality check:
A medical doctor looked me in the face and said I was going to drop dead in my classroom if I didn’t get my stress under control. Then my principal told me I was sucking the joy out of my classroom. RUDE. But I knew I needed to make some life changes because I was killing it at work, but work was killing me.
100% guilt-free self-care was born. The more I nurtured and nourished myself, the better I felt and those around me felt it too. Things got a lot better until life changes threw me a series of curveballs.
- Parenting
- Perimenopause
Pandemic - Political unrest
- Late in life ADHD diagnosis
No amount of self-care was able to handle everything life was throwing at me. Anxiety was keeping me up at night, I was angry all the time and I kept wondering why I couldn’t keep up with everyone else or even do what I used to be able to do. . I was overwhelmed and when I found a book called “How to Not Hate Your Husband After Kids” I was relieved to know I wasn’t alone in my rage at the world or the unequal domestic labor and mental load.
Turns out I wasn’t made for doing everything by myself. And neither are you.
Together we are going to rebalance the domestic and mental load at home, find time for you to take care of your physical health, bring back your interests and hobbies while nurturing the connections of family and friends.
Results from Happy Club Members
Get inspired…this could be you!

"Since joining CARE Club I have been able to accept help from other people in a new way.
I am more honest and sincere in my relationships and better able to set boundaries and articulate what I need and want. I also very much appreciate the members of CARE Club.
CARE Club is an accountability group for self-care and equity with a lot forgiveness, honesty and permission. We take a slow start in January but we're still going strong with our goals in November!
The best part of CARE Club is I am taking more time for myself and enjoying unicorn space. I am completing the stress cycle as much as possible. I am being more open and honest about the challenges I'm facing. Between therapy (started in September 2023) and CARE Club, I have been able to get through a VERY challenging year while still working on my own goals and self-care."

“I love being part CARE Club!
I tell my friends that I'm part of a like minded group that helps me cope with things, better myself, and gives me ideas on how to get shit done without draining myself dry. I tell them that we are working on our own self care in order to take care of others.
For the Fair Play part, I tell my friends that it gives ideas on how to share or split up our household tasks so we do equal (or close to it) things and have time for ourselves.
I'm doing more fun things for myself. I'm more likely to say no to things. I'm better able to have discussions/family meetings with my spouse that don't end in arguments. I'm able to cope with more issues that come up and plan ahead. I think about myself and my needs more.
When you join The CARE Club you’ll get:
New Year Set Up - Get the goals going.
Module 1: Building New Habits for Happiness and Peace
Module 2: Building Healthy Bodies and Sticking to our Habits
Module 3: Brain Training and Building Tools for Resilience
Module 4: Building Better Relationships
Module 5: Building Better Communities
Module 6: Building Our Most Interesting Selves
Module 7: Building Better Households
Module 8: Fair Play Instruction & Implementation
- Book of Me
- Obstacles
- Monthly Reflection
- Civics + Self-Care

What Our Alumni Have Said
We’re so proud of our members!

"Action, understanding that I'm an obliger and need accountability and going with it instead of telling myself I don't need it has enabled me to stick with routines and habits that are good for my mental and physical health."

"The thing I'm surprised about is how meeting with the same group of people for an extended time and in a guided program, I see patterns of behavior in myself. It's hard to hide when you ask the same question you asked months ago and the answer hasn't changed. In a short term program, I can almost pretend like it's a new obstacle, but I don't need to watch the replay to know it's the same obstacle that I haven't worked around yet."

"The women are remarkably not judgmental. I don’t know anyone’s last name, but I feel like the encouragement and kindness is something very authentic and safe."
“I’m not the only one who is struggling to keep up with my life?”
Nope, we all are. As I have come to learn, feeling overwhelmed and “behind” isn’t a YOU problem or a ME problem, it is an US (cultural) problem. Modern life as it is set up now isn’t designed for us to have the time or energy to take care of ourselves, connect with our loved ones, see our friends, or do good in the world. We’re all stuck on the hamster wheel trying to do MORE and it feels like it is our fault when we fall short. Everyone is exhausted, over extended, feels behind and that everyone has their lives together except us. Comparing our messy insides to everyone's highlight reels on social media makes us feel worse. And we feel alone.
Join CARE Club Now!
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