Life+Work Coach and Host of the 100% Guilt-Free Self-Care Podcast

Deferred Maintenance

You would love to feel less like shit, but always put everyone and everything else first...

You haven’t gotten around to doing what you know you need to do in the last couple years.

Maybe you got a job that takes up all your time. Or your kids demand all your time. You’re already maxed out and you’ve been meaning to do something about it, but then the pandemic hit, and we are headed into year three of uncertainty.

You thought you were tired, maxed out and falling behind in before times. We are being expected to do more at work and at home with less. And it sucks.

You aren’t alone in feeling like this is never ending and you are drowning because you lost your support system.

That’s why I created Deferred Maintenance.

We all need a reliable support system that is there for us all year.

What if your dreams could come true and you finally could feel less like shit?

You could be more rested than you have been in years.

You could exercise and feel better in your body.

You could be surrounded by people who support you in living a new way - one where we get to be a priority in our own lives.

You decide what goes on your schedule and who you spend time with.

You finally make some peace in your life.

What in your life would change if you got your needs met?

Deferred Maintenance was created so you can stop putting off what needs to be done to feel the way you want to feel in your life.

I’m Tami and I help women get their time and energy back so they can create the world they want to live in.


I used to put everything that wasn’t immediately necessary off.

If shit wasn’t on fire, I didn’t touch it.

And yet, I was surprised that I felt like I was one moment away from everything falling apart.

  • Insomnia – check
  • Stress acne – check
  • Out of shape – check
  • Check engine light on in the car – check.
  • House stuff always being put off until “summer break” and then break coming and going without any changes – check
  • Super short-tempered because I was always behind – check.

It wasn’t until I got called out by my boss for my attitude that I got it.

What I was doing wasn’t working nearly as well as I thought it was. Other people were starting to notice I was on the verge of being a hot mess.

Something had to change.

And It wasn’t pretty. (Because change never is…)

Long story short:

I was hurt and so I decided to punish them and not work so many hours for free.

Yes, I know this was immature. And yes, I have grown a lot since then.

Instead, I started going to yoga class in the afternoon. started cooking dinner and making sure I had good leftovers for lunch. I started making plans with friends for fun. I read a ton of books about happiness, productivity, and feeling great in your life.

What I discovered is when I put my needs first, I felt less like shit. When I took care of the stuff I was putting off, everything felt better. Everything was all better!

When you join Deferred Maintenance:

Monthly Goal Setting + Live Coaching Call 

Session Recordings

So you will never miss a session.


We have monthly check-ins to make sure you are on track with your goals, and we cheer each other on.

Mindset Makeover

Learn a 3 step process to create more peace in your life.

Self-Care Lessons

Each of the lessons addresses the needs of your physical body, your mental health, your relationships and your community.

Journal Prompts

40+ coaching questions designed to dig deep into what’s stopping you from feeling the way you want to feel.

“I thought I had my self-care handled and didn’t need support.

In fact, I was so focused on it that my work became secondary. That’s when I realized I needed help. It was through the support of Tami and the group in Deferred Maintenace that I realized I needed to restructure my days.

Mornings could still be “my time” but the afternoons needed to be for work. Turning off ALL notifications and focusing for a dedicated amount of time was exactly what I needed to get back into the groove.”

- Steph Z.

“I have created some great habits and restarted some that I had stopped doing

I feel like I have momentum and my energy has improved. I do so much better when I’m working with others. There is something special about being in a group that is focused on making progress that helps me gain focus and stay motivated.”

- Kallie Arroyo

Sign up for Deferred Maintenace

$1997 - Pay in full
$397/mo - for 6 Months