EP 197: Microjoys: Finding Hope (Especially) When Life Is Not Okay with Cyndie Spiegel
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What tiny things delight you? What makes you laugh in the depths of despair? Who are the people and where are the places that add sparkle to your lives?
Cyndie Spiegel is one of those people for me. She’s an author, keynote speaker, coach, yoga & meditation teacher and all around badass of a human. You can watch her on the Today Show and check out her fabulous💕 pink suit. 💕
I am so lucky to call her friend.
Cyndie’s book Microjoys: Finding Hope (Especially) When Life is Not Okay contains personal essays about life, love, loss and the joy found in the in between. Her words helped me feel less alone in my human experience and I am forever grateful for that.
Her first book A Year of Positive Thinking helped me and my family process the acute grief we felt after losing my best friend in November 2020. The daily wisdom guided our conversation and served as daily prompts for stories about Tess.
In this week’s podcast, we are taking an intermission from the Fair Play Fall Series and diving into the concept of Microjoys with Cyndie Spiegel.
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