EP 196: Minimum Standard of Care


Happy soup season! I am thrilled to be enjoying giant pots of cooked veggies and beans. There is just something about the change in seasons that gets me excited about eating again. Please check out some of our family favorites and be sure to hit reply and share yours with me.

Speaking of families…how is it going getting yours on board to more fairly distribute household work?

Each member of the household can do daily grind tasks: dishes, garbage, groceries, buying and managing home supplies, home maintenance, laundry, at least 21 meals every week, calendar keeping, having cash + paying bills, managing extracurricular activities, packing and unpacking for the day, transporting kids, bathing and grooming kids, diapering and potty training, kid friendships and social media, homework, school projects and school supplies, morning and bedtime routines with kids, pet care, discipline and screen time for kids, middle of the night comfort for kids plus our own self-care.

You are NOT uniquely qualified to do these jobs. You have figured it all out and have systems and shortcuts to make it all happen at home. You have more experience with the daily grind tasks, but you are not the only one who can own these tasks.

It might feel that way right now.

But long term - you want to empower your family, especially your kids- with these jobs. If for nothing else, you want to prepare your kids for managing their own homes in the future. You don’t want your kid who doesn’t know how to keep a bathroom clean or how to do laundry when they go off to college.

Fair Play helps me prepare my child for feeling like a confident adult who knows how to handle her life. And it shows her that men are just as capable of care tasks as women.

In my family we’ve been at this whole Fair Play thing for a while and issues still need to be addressed regularly. It is one thing to have people contributing and a whole other thing to get them doing it to a standard I can live with.

In this week’s podcast, the Fair Play Fall Series continues. I am digging into living your values and the Minimum Standard of Care in the Fair Play System.

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